Zalman flock in 1969-70

Zalman flock in 1969-70 On February 27, 1969, a platoon commander in the 13th Battalion, Zalman Chan, ordered a patrol in the southern Golan Heights. The patrol, which included a number of Zhalams from the 13th Battalion, encountered an ambush by terrorists and in the first barrage of fire a Zhalam was hit and three […]
Major Nadav Maisles, commander of the rescue force

Major Nadav Maisles, commander of the rescue force Served in the 13th Battalion from 2005 to 2012 as a soldier, officer and platoon commander. In “Tzuk Eitan” he was in academic studies. With the beginning of the operation, Nadav reported and was appointed commander of the rescue and evacuation force of the Golani brigade. Major […]
Capt. Avihai Sagi, company commander

Capt. Avihai Sagi, company commander On July 19, 2014, the “Gideon” battalion from the Golani brigade began an attack due to the large number of casualties, and the attention that was directed to them, there was concern that the battalion’s progress would be delayed. Captain Avihai Sagi took responsibility for the continued advance of the […]
Operation “Tzuk Eitan” certificate of appreciation for the work of the 13th Battalion in the “Tzuk Eitan” operation on behalf of the Southern Command

Operation “Tzuk Eitan” certificate of appreciation for the work of the 13th Battalion in the “Tzuk Eitan” operation on behalf of the Southern Command
Operation “Cast Lead” Major Dr. Alexander Kataev

Operation “Cast Lead” Major Dr. Alexander Kataev On January 5, 2009, during the “Cast Lead” operation, the “Gideon” battalion of the Golani Brigade operated in the Tupah neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip. During the activity, a shell was accidentally fired from an IDF tank that was operating in the area, and hit a building […]
The Second Lebanon War, Capt. Dr. Igor Rothstein, the late

The Second Lebanon War, Capt. Dr. Igor Rothstein, the late On August 4, 2006, the auxiliary company of the 13th Battalion raided the houses of terrorists in the village of Markhaba. At the end of the raid and during the retreat, the force encountered the terrorists, a close range battle ensued, and the company’s front […]
The Mount and Gai events Lt. Col. Rafi Milo, commander of the 13th battalion

The Mount and Gai events Lt. Col. Rafi Milo, commander of the 13th battalion Milo commanded the battalion, among other things, during the kidnapping attempt in Ajjar, which took place in 2005 on the Israel-Lebanon border by Hezbollah members. The Hezbollah organization failed in its attempt to kidnap Israeli soldiers, after an IDF ambush killed […]
The late Corporal Daniel Mizrahi

The late Corporal Daniel Mizrahi On June 13, 1982, during the break into Kfar Sil, our forces were repulsed twice. In the third attack, only commanders went out, but Daniel, who had good command of the RNA, wanted to go on the attack with his commanders. During the battle, his friend was hit by enemy […]
First Lebanon War Lieutenant Alon Ben-Nun Company Commander

First Lebanon War Lieutenant Alon Ben-Nun Company Commander Lieutenant Alon Ben-Non served as an operations officer in an infantry battalion during the “Peace of the Galilee” war. While the battalion was preparing for defense in a battle on the Beirut-Damascus axis, enemy fire was opened on the forward unit. A small force remained exposed to […]