The Second Lebanon War, Capt. Dr. Igor Rothstein, the late
On August 4, 2006, the auxiliary company of the 13th Battalion raided the houses of terrorists in the village of Markhaba. At the end of the raid and during the retreat, the force encountered the terrorists, a close range battle ensued, and the company's front line was severely damaged. Captain Dr. Igor Rothstein, who was with the medical squad at its planned location at the end of the force, realized that there were casualties at the head of the force, and their condition was serious and required immediate treatment. Therefore, he ran forward under fire to treat them. When he reached the front of the force, he began to pull one of the wounded back With another soldier, a side bomb was fired at him, and he was hit in the head and killed on the spot. The late Captain Dr. Igor Rothstein showed initiative and courage under fire. For this act, he was awarded the Muppet decoration in September 2007, by Rabbi General Gabi Ashkenazi, Chief of the General Staff.