projects and programs

projects and programs

The battalion association works to promote projects and programs for the commemoration of the martyrs of the battalion,
For the sake of the community and the graduates of the battalion.
We invite you to help us promote the projects and programs
We will be happy for your participation and help and resource mobilization.

projects and programs
Raised to be a warrior
We are looking for battalion graduates to accompany soldiers during the service and near the release, the escort is included
Guidance, advice, help if necessary and all this in coordination with the association.

Warriors without borders
Presenting the true faces of IDF graduates to the world by integrating humanitarian volunteering in third world countries as part of the “big trip after the army”.
To register:

The members of the third humanitarian delegation of the Warriors Without Borders Association to India!!!!
In the Shuli Dubiner expedition, she served as the operations officer of the Gideon Battalion, she is the representative of the Gideon Battalion Association in the “Warriors without Borders” project as part of the “Daniel Team” – a humanitarian expedition to India of discharged soldiers in memory of Daniel Formentz, the battalion fighter who fell in Operation Tzuk Eitan.

The legacy of the regiment
Interviews, investigations and assistance in writing additional chapters in the battalion’s legacy

Gideon race and march
This year the regular regiment and the association started an annual tradition of
Gideon race for the regular battalion and graduates of the battalion
Also at the same time there was a popular march
You are welcome to follow and take part in the activity

Commemoration of the martyrs of the battalion
The activity includes writing a page for each space, contacting the family to collect materials
Entering them on the site and the regiment’s archive.

Scholarships for the martyrs of the Gideon Regiment
Details in the link

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